Baby Essentials at North Helpline

Providing food to hundreds of neighbors a week may be one of the services North Helpline is most known for.

Yet at a time when requests for food at North Helpline are higher than during the height of the pandemic, many are looking for support in accessing infant, baby, and hygiene products.

Diapers, baby wipes, and formula are always in high demand at our food distributions.

Due to the national shortage this year of baby formula, “I think people aren’t even asking for them,” Esther said. Baby formula costs about $244 for a six-pack of Similac, or about $40 a can.

Even buying in bulk, our weekly supplies remain limited, as we struggle to maintain access to these essentials for our neighbors.

North Helpline distributes an estimated 500 to 600 packs of diapers a month. Sizes 5, 6 and 7 “seem to go the fastest,” Esther said. “The main focus has been making sure the babies have diapers.”

A limited supply of reusable cloth diapers is available at Bitter Lake only. Limited supplies of baby wipes, baby food, and snacks also are available. “We run out two weeks out of the month if not more often,” Esther said.

How to Keep These Items Accessible for our Neighbors:

Donate Money

Your dollars go further when we can buy these essentials in bulk!

“Cash donation would be best,” Esther said. “That way we can see what we have and purchase items to fill in the gaps.

Online donations to North Helpline may be made at:

Donate Items

A variety of non-food products, from baby wipes, diapers and formula to soap, detergent and menstrual products are needed. Learn More.


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A New Mural for Lake City