Our Vision
We envision a future where all our neighbors have food on their table and a roof overhead.
Our Values
At North Helpline we strive to exist for all members of our community. To welcome all who come through our doors with respect, humanity, and open arms. To serve regardless of class, race, age, ability, sexual orientation, nationality, gender identity, or documented status.
We recognize the intersectional systems at play that cause and perpetuate poverty, systemic racism, health & education inequality, gender and sex discrimination, and more. We hope to honor the dignity of all those we serve. To connect with neighbors in the language(s) that they speak and with culturally relevant products and services.
In all that we do, we aim to be worthy of the trust our neighbors place in us.
Our Mission
We believe that all deserve adequate food, housing, and respect.
We assist our neighbors in obtaining basic needs that affirm their human dignity and worth.
Our History
Founded as Emergency Services
Our First Food Bank Opened
Our Home in Lake City Was Built
2nd Location in Bitter Lake Opened
Founded in 1989, North Helpline has been a consistent community resource for the past 34 years. North Helpline began as an all-volunteer organization of neighbors working together to offer financial assistance and referral services to those in our community. Through the support of local churches, partner organizations, and selfless volunteers, Emergency Services eventually grew to become North Helpline Emergency Services.
In 2001 our first food bank opened to complement our homelessness prevention program. We understood then as we do now that the impacts of poverty are interconnected. Through the years, North Helpline grew our programs, expanding to feature a full client services department with community connectors that connect neighbors with resources that enhance our own programs. Our name was shortened to simply North Helpline, as we grew beyond just offering emergency services.
Today we have two service sites, both featuring food access, homelessness prevention, and client services programs. Though we have evolved over the years to improve and better serve our diverse community, we’ve stayed true to the original vision of meeting folks where they are, serving them with dignity, and welcoming all with open arms.